Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Week 2 Box 2

***Before this post went live, The Husband and I received the sad news that his aunt had passed away. We will be attending the funeral on Thursday but it requires some travel. Unfortunately that means that this week's cooking adventures will have to be put on hold.  Thank you for your support.***

I was at work when I got the call from The Husband that he was picking up The Box.
  • Me: Really? What did we get?
  • The Husband: Do you really want me to tell you or do you want to be surprised when you get home?
  • Me: Tell me.
  • The Husband: Are you sure?
  • Me: No.... don't tell me. I'll end up frantically researching the remainder of the day and will never get any work done.
  • The Husband: See you when you get home.
That last comment sounded way more sinister on the phone then it looks in writing. I spent the remainder of the day worried. VERY worried. And as it turned out, I was right to be concerned. 

This week The Box provided the following recognizable items:

  • 1 Tomato (not nearly as beautiful as last weeks but still delicious I am sure)
  • 1 bunch of spinach 
  • Oregano
  • More Garlic Scapes
The Following less-recognizable items:
  • Turnip Greens (The Google Machine told me to just add Bacon)
  • Tokyo Bekana (which I learned was "great for salads and stir fry)
and THIS:

  • Me: What the FRACK* is THAT?!?!?!?!?!
  • The Husband: :: Manic Laughter::
     *not the actual word I used
I mean really, I mean honestly, I mean SERIOUSLY? LOOK at that thing. Not only is it massive (larger than a softball), spiky, and have strange greens sticking out of the top but it has NO SMELL whatsoever. It provides no hints as to what exactly a culinary-minded individual might do with it. Is it more like a potato or a turnip (not that I know what to do with a turnip)? Perhaps it shares the hidden talents of the rhubarb in that it LOOKS like a veg, but has the properties and culinary uses of fruit. This item is obviously one of those things you would only purchase if your kid needed something weird to bring to show and tell. Like Dragon Fruit, or Kiwi (I hate Kiwi by the way). WHAT WAS IT AND WHY WAS IT IN MY BOX?!?!
  • The Husband: It's called a Kohlrabi, and I pulled it out of the Miscellaneous box. I thought you might enjoy it.
  • Me: You brought this MONSTROSITY home with you ON PURPOSE?!?!?
  • The Husband: ::Manic Laughter::
See I told you he sounded sinister on the phone. To the Google Machine Batman!


  1. Turnip is one of my favorite veggies! We treat it as if it was a potato and peel it, cut it up, boil it and then mash it with butter, milk, salt and pepper. Sooo goood. You should try it one adventurous day.
